NZTA - Changes SH1N, Western Hills Drive, Whangarei

The NZ Transport Agency and Whangarei District Council wish to advise that from 10 February 2016 the following changes will be made to the State Highway 1N, Western Hills Drive:

1. Access to and from Kensington Avenue will be temporarily restricted to Left-in and Left-out turning movements only

2. Access to and from Manse Street will be temporarily restricted to Left-in, Left-out and right-in turning movements only

3. The intersection of Manse Street will be temporary managed using traffic signals.

These turning restrictions will allow the construction of the new roundabout at the intersection of State Highway 1N and Kensington Avenue while still providing safe and efficient movement of traffic on the state highway. These changes will remain in place until the completion of the new roundabout at Kensington Avenue in September 2016.

Road layout changes are also planned for the Kensington Avenue/Kamo Road/Nixon Street intersection from the end of February until December 2016:

1. Right turn access to Kensington Avenue from Kamo Road will be temporarily removed and a signposted detour in place via Wrack Street and Henry Street

2. Right turn access to Nixon Street from Kamo Road will be temporarily removed and a signposted detour in place via Wrack Street, Henry Street and Kensington Avenue.

These turning restrictions will allow for the construction of a new signalised intersection of Kamo Road, Kensington Ave and Nixon Street and completion of the 4-laning of Nixon Street while still providing safe and efficient traffic flows on these roads.

If you have particular concerns (scheduled deliveries, accessibility needs etc), please call:

- SH1/Kensington Ave and SH1/Manse Street works: Grace Henty, Fulton Hogan Communications and Stakeholder Manager 027 546 3324.

- Kamo Road/Kensington Ave/Nixon Street works: Greg Whitehorn, United Civil Construction Project Manager 0274 747 884.

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Jacqueline Bell Mark Seakins

Project Manager Project Manager

New Zealand Transport Agency Whangarei District Council

Please go here to see the map provided.