
HARMfree is an industry led initiative designed to improve workplace safety and worker well-being, in a language and style practical for transport and logistics.

Health and Safety Champions often work independently and don’t get the opportunity to connect with other Health and Safety Champions to share knowledge or undertake specialised training. Some Transport and logistics companies have a dedicated Health & Safety Manager, but for smaller companies who may not have the same resources, their champion could be someone who is wearing many different hats, could even be the partner, wife or husband of an owner driver. The programme has been designed to empower leaders and workers to bring about behavioural change in the workplace, reduce and manage psychosocial harm. HARMfree Transport and Logistics encourages increased use of good practice guidelines, and greater engagement across all staff on the development of good work design (GWD).

CLICK ON THE HARMfree Logo or this link to visit the HARMfree site.